Take advantage of the same analysis and insights used by Wall Street pros in a tool that's intuitive and built on real-English content. Tailor your trading strategies to your unique risk/return profile.
Machine learning predictive analytics uncovers high-probability trends to help optimize your trade strategy.
Extensive strategy backtesting using 12-year history of intra-day pricing helps validate the best trades to consider.
Pre-defined and tested strategies from Delphian help augment your own research to maximize returns.
Although thousands of research reports, news events, and opinions from industry professionals are readily available, using them to optimize trading strategies is nearly impossible.
The result: Trades falling short of expectations.
Delphian combines predictive analytics, backtesting, and pre-configured strategies in one platform to help you achieve your investment goals. No programming required.
Delphian provides you with numerous tools to get you up and running quickly, including a comprehensive video library, a detailed online help guide, and dedicated support from one of our trading strategists.
With so much market data, you can use some help. We do the heavy lifting for you so you can focus more on building your trading strategies.
Probability of success? Without backtesting, you're just guessing. We make it simple to conduct thorough backtesting for objective insights into probability of strategy success.
Our machine learning predictive analytics shows, on a stock-by-stock basis, high-probability trends to help shape and time your trading.
Whether you are an experienced stock trading, a novice options trader or a professional options trader, Delphian has an appropriate membership for you.
Our Delphian Studies key off our our predictive analytics engine and show equities you might want to consider in your trading strategies. Our pre-configured analyses reduce the chance you'll miss a strong investment opportunity.
Got a question? We're here for you. As a Delphian member you will have access to a comprehensive online help guide, an extensive library of help videos, and access to one of Delphian's Trading Strategists via chat, email or phone.
We offer a variety of pricing plans to meet your unique needs and priorities.
Delphian provides predictive analytics for smarter trading. We give traders the necessary tools to increase alpha while reducing risk through the use of our State Modeling algorithm and backtesting platform.